Ganesha Chaturthi, the great Ganesha festival, also known as ‘Vinayak Chaturthi’ or ‘Vinayaka Chavithi’ is celebrated by Hindus around the world as the birthday of Lord Ganesha. It is observed during the Hindu month of Bhadra (mid-August to mid-September) and the grandest and most elaborate of them, especially in the western India state of Maharashtra, lasts for 10 days, ending on the day of “Ananta Chaturdashi”.

108 Names of Lord Ganesha:

1. Gajavaktra: One who has an elephantine mouth
2. Ganadhakshya: The lord of lords
3. Ganadhyakshina: Leader of all celestial bodies
4. Ganapati: The lord of lords
5. Gaurisuta: The son of Gauri
6. Gunina: The lord of virtues
7. Haridra: One who is golden-hued
8. Heramba: Mother’s beloved son
9. Kapila: One who is yellowish-brown
10. Kaveesha: The lord of poets
11. Kirti: The lord of music
12. Kripalu: Merciful lord
13. Krishapingaksha: One who has yellowish-brown eyes
14. Kshamakaram: The abode of forgiveness
15. Kshipra: One who is easy to appease
16. Lambakarna: One who has large ears
17. Lambodara: One who has a big belly
18. Mahabala: One who is enormously strong
19. Mahaganapati: The Supreme Lord
20. Maheshwaram: Lord of the universe
21. Mangalamurti: The all auspicious Lord
22. Manomay: The winner of hearts
23. Mrityuanjaya: The conqueror of death
24. Mundakarama: The abode of happiness
25. Muktidaya: Bestower of eternal bliss
26. Musikvahana: One who rides a mouse
27. Nadapratithishta: One who appreciates music
28. Namasthetu: Destroyer of evils and sins
29. Nandana: Lord Shiva’s son
30. Nideeshwaram: Bestower of wealth
31. Omkara: One who has the form of ‘Om’
32. Pitambara: One who has yellowish skin
33. Pramoda: Lord of all abodes
34. Prathameshwara: First among all Gods
35. Purush: The omnipotent personality
36. Rakta: One who is blood-hued
37. Rudrapriya: One who is the beloved of Shiva
38. Sarvadevatman: One who accepts all celestial offerings
39. Sarvasiddhanta: Bestower of skills and knowledge
40. Sarvatman: Protector of the universe
41. Shambhavi: Son of Parvati
42. Shashivarnam: One who has a moon-like complexion
43. Shoorpakarna: One who is large-eared
44. Shuban: The all auspicious Lord
45. Shubhagunakanan One who is The Master of All Virtues
46. Shweta: One who is as pure as the white
47. Siddhidhata: Bestower of accomplishments and successes
48. Siddhipriya: Giver of wishes and boons
49. Siddhivinayaka: Bestower of success
50. Skandapurvaja: Elder of Skanda or Kartikya
51. Sumukha: One who has an auspicious face
52. Sureshwaram: The lord of lords
53. Swaroop: Lover of beauty
54. Tarun: One who is ageless
55. Uddanda: The nemesis of evils and vices
56. Umaputra: The son of Goddess Uma
57. Vakratunda: One with a curved trunk
58. Varaganapati: Bestower of boons
59. Varaprada: One who grants wishes
60. Varadavinayaka: Bestower of success
61. Veeraganapati: The vigorous lord
62. Vidyavaridhi: The God of wisdom
63. Vighnahara: Remover of obstacles
64. Vignaharta: Destroyer of all obstacles
65. Vighnaraja: Lord of all obstacles
66. Vighnarajendra: Lord of all obstacles
67. Vighnavinashanaya: Destroyer of all obstacles
68. Vigneshwara: Lord of all obstacles
69. Vikat: One who is huge
70. Vinayaka: The Supreme Lord
71. Vishwamukha: Master of the universe
72. Vishwaraja: King of the world
73. Yagnakaya: One who accepts sacrificial offerings
74. Yashaskaram: The bestower of fame and fortune
75. Yashvasin: The beloved and ever popular lord
76. Yogadhipa: The lord of meditation
77. Shubhagunakanan One who is The Master of All Virtues
78. Shweta: One who is as pure as the white
79. Siddhidhata: Bestower of accomplishments and successes
80. Siddhipriya: Giver of wishes and boons
81. Siddhivinayaka: Bestower of success
82. Skandapurvaja: Elder of Skanda or Kartikya
83. Sumukha: One who has an auspicious face
84. Sureshwaram: The lord of lords
85. Swaroop: Lover of beauty
86. Tarun: One who is ageless
87. Uddanda: The nemesis of evils and vices
88. Umaputra: The son of Goddess Uma
89. Vakratunda: One with a curved trunk
90. Varaganapati: Bestower of boons
91. Varaprada: One who grants wishes
92. Varadavinayaka: Bestower of success
93. Veeraganapati: The vigorous lord
94. Vidyavaridhi: The God of wisdom
95. Vighnahara: Remover of obstacles
96. Vignaharta: Destroyer of all obstacles
97. Vighnaraja: Lord of all obstacles
98. Vighnarajendra: Lord of all obstacles
99. Vighnavinashanaya: Destroyer of all obstacles
100. Vigneshwara: Lord of all obstacles
101. Vikat: One who is huge
102. Vinayaka: The Supreme Lord
103. Vishwamukha: Master of the universe
104. Vishwaraja: King of the world
105. Yagnakaya: One who accepts sacrificial offerings
106. Yashaskaram: The bestower of fame and fortune
107. Yashvasin: The beloved and ever popular lord
108. Yogadhipa: The lord of meditation