During the process of match-making, it is important to check the Naadi. Basically, there are 3 Naadis: Aadya, Madhya & Antya.

These Naadis indicate the Tridoshas- Vaat (gas), Pitta (acidity) & Cough, which are the  basics of Ayurveda.

Aadya:- This Naadi has Vaat dosh & hence, if both the partners have this Naadi, the child born to them will have the same dosha, & will experience some health problems in early childhood.

Madhya:- This Nadi has Pitta dosh & hence, if both the partners have the Naadi, their child will have the same dosh & may suffer from a serious illness such as jaundice at the time of birth. It may also give rise to a situation, wherein the child is required to be kept in an incubator.

Antya:-This Nadi has Cough dosha. If both the partners have this Naadi, their child too will have the same dosha, & may suffer from health problems during the early days of life.

Now, it is clear that the same Naadi is not advisable. However, in any of the following conditions, one can think about it & go ahead while match-making.

  • In case of emergency.
  • If the Lord of Navmansh is different.
  • If the blood group is different.

For the second point above, we have to work on Sukshma Naadi & if it is different, one may go ahead.

Sukshma Naadi:- Each Nakshtra is having 4 Navmansh, out of which 1st & 4th Navmansh is having the same Naadi in Sukshma too.

(1) Aadya Naadi

1st Navmansh has aadya + aadya. Hence, it is totally aadya.
2nd Navmansh has a combination of aadya & madhya. So, it is partially aadya.
3rd Navmansh has a combination of aadya & antya. Hence, it is also a partially aadya.
4th Navmansh is again a combination of aadya & aadya, which is totally aadya.

(2)Madhya Naadi

1st Navmansh has a combination of madhya & madhya & hence, total is madhya.
2nd Navmansh has a combination of madhya & antya. Hence, a partially madhya.
3rd Navmansh has a combination of madhya & aadya. So, a partially madhya.
4th Navmansh has a combination of madhya & madhya & so, it is totally madhya.

(3)Antya Naadi

1st & 4th Navmansh has a combination of antya & antya & hence, a totally antya.
2nd Navmansh has a combination of antya & aadya, hence, a partially antya.
3rd Navmansha has a combination of antya & madhya & a partially antya.

According to the table mentioned above, it is clear that though the Naadis are different,if the Sukshma Naadi has the same combination, a female may suffer from health problems while conceiving or during her pregnancy. Also, her child may have to face some troubles as far as health is concerned. It is the duty of an astrologer to guide people, but they do not have the knowledge of blood groups or blood group matching.

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