

Primordial Energy has 2 aspects. One is Jnana and the other is Vijnana. Jnana or wisdom includes consciousness, thinking, sentiments, beliefs and aspirations. It lies within man. Vijnana includes extrapolation of natural wealth and science of its application in day to day life. Wisdom lies within man’s consciousness and Vijnana or science involves its application. This entire cosmos and body are matter. The advancement of the skills of its applied aspect has taken place as Vijnana or science. The wisdom of the creator and wealth of nature together manage this cosmos and keep it functioning.

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In Indian Mytholgy or Puranas it has been described as Brahma having 2 wives. One was Gayatri and the other was Savitri. Gayatri is the Goddess of Wisdom and Savitri is the presiding deity of science. Man’s body is matter hence its existence is looked upon as lying within the realms of Savitri.

While marching ahead on the path of wisdom man attains self control and progress. He/she attains the path of remaining happy and giving inspiration to others. He/she attains Self/God Realization. Life attains the goal of omnipotence. Man becomes Super Man, Rishi, divine man, Avatar etc. In this visible world he/she progresses rapidly and rise high in the subtle world. The glory of Gayatri or Jnana is so great.

Via science one can wholesomely utilize ones physical potential. By awakening the otherwise latent mysterious centers of the body one can make them extraordinarily potent. It is science that makes one brilliant and talented in worldly transactions. This then is the nature of Savitri and is work arena.

Within Gayatri practices soul purification predominates. Over here one washes off distortions/bad qualities assimilated on contacting the material world which has piled up on the soul for millions of lifetimes. One imbibes understanding, honesty, responsibility and valor which befit human glory. The intellect encompasses Mahaprajna or farsighted discrimination. It is because of all such special qualities that man in this very lifetime attains a divine inner state. Ones method of living and direction becomes such wherein in this very life one attains divinity. Not only does one advance but helps others too to do so.

Via Savitri practices the extraordinary bodily energies are awakened higher up from a latent state and it is so full of deep import that the entire visible world can be made conducive. All such attainments are called Sidhis or Divine Powers. All potentials of the solar universe exist in an atom albeit in a subtle manner. The activities and potentials of the atom in a gist are present in the external cosmos. What exists in the macrocosm or cosmos is present in the microcosm or atom. But ordinarily mankind attains only that much of natural potential which he/she uses in a daily mundane lifestyle. Apart from this if the need arises to transform world conditions one has to take recourse to that science called Savitri practices.

For many tasks of modern science many types of machinery/technology has been invented. The root power of all of them lies in the subtle centers of the human body. If one so desires with necessary effort they can be activated powerfully and the body can be converted into such a research laboratory in which one can manifest all technology that scientists have designed. Thus those tasks can be fulfilled which great intellectual scientists execute in this world with tremendous success.

Two types of images of Primordial Energy can be found. One has one face, 2 arms, water pot in one hand, rosary and vehicle is a swan. This is Brahmi Shakti or Divine Energy. It is called Gayatri. Another image has 5 faces and is called Savitri.

The vehicle of Gayatri is a swan. Swan means royal swan, Param Hans that can separate water and milk, that eats pearls and vows never to eat worms etc. Rosary connotes meditation and books means self introspection via scriptural studies etc. This then is the image of maternal power. It is the presiding deity of human glory thus it has one face.

The vehicle of Savitri is a lotus. Lotus means joy. There are lots of material pleasures. It has 5 faces. The body is made up of 5 elements and its psychic consciousness is made of 5 Pranas or vital forces. The 10 arms of Savitri mean 10 senses of the body. It is through the power of the senses that the body functions. Amongst weapons those are painted in the photo that aid in material advancement and competition.

Gayatri predominates because when divine wisdom is imbibed such a personality is designed that if due interest is taken in the direction of economic arena one can generate lots of wealth for oneself and others too. But the arena of Savitri or science is limited to the material world. It is not necessary that a powerfully wealthy man is also rich in Divine Wisdom. Hence such a one is not that important. In the personality the soul predominates and body is minor. In the same way from the spiritual standpoint Gayatri predominates and Savitri becomes minor. And yet both need to be devoted to. Both have their importance in their own inimitable way. Thus all round spiritual aspirants make use of both and time and again apply their powers in their day to day lives.

In Valmiki Ramayan an episode is mentioned wherein Sage Vishwamitra took Ram and Lakshman to his hermitage for the sake of protection of Yajnas that he carried out. There he taught them Bal and Atibala Science. These are but synonyms of Gayatri and Savitri. Via one of them he helped overcome raging demons in Lanka. With the other power he brought back Satyuga in Tretayuga. Thus Ramrajya or Rule of Righteousness came into being. Thus both sciences were used albeit in separate areas and thus extraordinary success was tasted.

In the above paragraphs it has been said that Brahmaji had 2 wives. The first is Gayatri and second is Savitri. In symbolic terms they are said to be wisdom consciousness and material wealth. One is Para Prakriti and the other is Apara Prakriti. Para Prakriti includes mind, intellect, psyche, ego and Divine Intellect/ Ritambhara Prajna. This is the area of wisdom. The second wife is Savitri or Apara Prakriti or material energy or material nature. All movements and activities of matter are dependent on it. The movement in atoms, chemical reactions, electricity, heat, light, magnetism, ether etc are a part of it. Material Science by making use of these means, invent many things and thus augment material comforts. This very Apara Prakriti is called Savitri. This second energy is called Kundalini.

There is no limit to conscious energy. Scholars, scientists, realized saints, super men, Rishi, thinkers etc progress in their respective areas by using this energy in their own way. On this basis for intellectual education school training, self introspection, association with realized saints, deep thinking and trance practices are carried out. All potentials regarding radiance of personality and divine aura are conjoined to this very area. The inner consciousness evolves with the aid of Para Prakriti practices and Gayatri Meditation.

The second energy is Savitri-material energy or activity. With the help of this Para Prakriti bodily activities of all creatures are carried out. In the human body many activities take place like inhalation/exhalation, blood circulation, sleep/awakening, digestion/excretion, heat/energy, electrical flow etc. Every object of the world is mobile. In this world the wheel moves ceaselessly in the form of creation, propagation and transformation. Animate and inanimate beings are marching ahead on the path of evolution. Every particle is forced to progress. The inspirational center of transforming inaction into activity is called Apara Prakriti that lies in Mahat Tattva. It is this energy that directs movements of Sat, Raj, Tam, 5 elements, 5 Tanmatras etc. Sidhis (Divine Powers) and boons are got due to its benediction. This then is Savitri, the second wife of Brahmaji. Infinite special qualities of the human body like health, long life, strength, zest, valor, beauty etc are dependent on it. Although it is found everywhere yet it is more profound in the polar regions of earth and in the Mooladhar Chakra (subtle plexus) of the human body. In spiritual practices it is called Kundalini Energy.

Gayatri and Savitri both complement each other. There is no competition between them. Like the 2 rivers Ganges and Yamuna they are said to be 2 streams of cosmic consciousness. The bare fact is that both are inseparably bound to each other. They can be said to be one breath and 2 bodies. Even a realized saint requires a body of flesh and blood and means to nourish it. Without consciousness matter cannot be managed optimally. Thus this world is managed by both together. If matter and energy were to separate none of them could exist solely. Both will them merge in their root cause. They are hence 2 wheels of the chariot of progress of the world. One without the other is useless. A handicapped realized saint and weak intellect animal man are both incomplete. The body has 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 eyes, 2 lungs, 2 kidneys etc. Brahma or creator too creates this world with the above 2 energy streams. One should aptly understand this when looking upon these 2 streams as Brahma’s wives. The term wife is merely symbolic. How can consciousness have a family? Fire element has 2 special qualities- heat and light. If someone desires he/she can call them the 2 wives of fire. If you do not like the word wife replace it with daughter. At some places Saraswati is said to be the wife of Brahma and at other places she is called his daughter. This must not be looked upon as a gross worldly relationship. This symbolic description is merely an allegory. Soul power is called Gayatri and material force is called Savitri. Savitri based practices are called Kundalini Awakening. Here efforts are made to ward off distortions and latent state of bodily vital force. Electricity has 2 charges viz. negative and positive. When both these unite electrical flow is generated. The unison of Gayatri and Savitri based practices results in fulfillment of all requirements. In order to avail of balanced benefits of Gayatri practices one must take of Savitri power too.

In the spiritual arena the portion dealing with knowledge is called Dakshin Marg. It is also called Nigam, Raja Yoga, Vedic path etc. The other portion is called Vam Marg, Agam, Tantra, Hath Yoga etc. Both of these if utilized separately will not prove beneficial. No one enjoys reading about the battles between demigods and demons. In fact on reading it one gets angry. But when both helped each other while churning the ocean (Samudra Manthan) a great deal of wealth was unearthed. We all know this story where 14 priceless jewels were got as a result of this churning. These efforts yielded Goddess Lakshmi, pot of nectar, wish fulfilling cow or Kamadhenu, wish fulfilling tree or Kalapavriksha etc. As long as the demons and demigods remained separate, fought with each other, hardships and destruction had to be undergone. But the moment they cooperated with one another like in churning of the ocean it became the basis of attaining many things. Thus the united efforts of Gayatri and Savitri can be said to be exactly like the cooperation between demons and demigods.

When Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati got married their loneliness disappeared. Due to this union, 2 sons were born called Sidhivinayak Ganesh and Kartikeya who killed demons. One establishes righteousness and the other destroys unrighteousness prevalent in the world. Ganesha’s boon is Prajna or Divine Intellect and Kartikeya’s boon is Shakti or Divine Energy. Kartikeya has 6 faces which correspond to the 6 Chakras of Hath Yoga.

Super Energy Gayatri’s all round utility and easily follow able spiritual practice is included in our daily routine. Sandhya Vandan is a most necessary aspect of spiritual practices. Without Gayatri Meditation Sandhya cannot be done. Over and above this other special practices are carried out. One is Anushthan the other is Purashcharan.

One can say that Gayatri practice is a pious action which removes dirt and distortions veiling our consciousness. Due to this the divine nature of our soul existence radiates a great deal. In the worldly arena in order to manifest the influence of soul consciousness Savitri practice must be undergone. In order to radiate the soul in a worldly sense the human body has to be donned. That capability required for fulfilling worldly tasks by the soul in the form of Gayatri is achieved via Savitri practices. It is called the spiritual practices of the 5 sheaths (Panch Koshas) and Kundalini Activation. The scriptures also say that Savitri created nature or Prakriti and via Gayatri the manifestation of 5 levels of consciousness took place. These are called 5 veils of mankind, 5 Koshas and 5 Lokas or worlds. These are also storehouses of Divine Powers called Ridhi-Sidhis.

Meditation on Super Power Gayatri radiates man’s sentiments, aspirations, yearnings, skills and divine intellect. Savitri gives us long life, children, fame, wealth and other material wealth because it is related to the material world. Gayatri has 1 face and Savitri has 5 faces. Savitri is material and Gayatri is spiritual in nature. Both are very important in their own way. Man via his strength earns material wealth. Even demonic people via their hard work and wiliness have earned untold wealth like demon Ravan of bye gone eras. Despite this for awakening spiritual glories only divine grace works. In the absence of wisdom consciousness man despite having all material comforts imbibes vile actions due to a tainted intellect and thus experiences harsh situations. His life oozes with problems and chaos. Hence for the layman and just about everybody Gayatri Meditation in the form of daily Sandhya Vandan is prescribed. If Sandhya cannot be performed thrice, daily perform it at least once in the morning in some form or the other.

Savitri Meditation is not easy. In that vital electricity has to be raised to that level wherein like lightning in the sky it plays the role of a thunderbolt. In the soul arena Savitri Super Energy must be invoked in the form of solar energy and has to be made capable to such an extent that Divine Powers manifest in this very body. Thus the devotee becomes of the level of Rishis, radiant, brilliant, mentally tough and full of austerities.