
Shri Ram AmritVani – Full Non-Stop 25:00 mintues: Jai SiyaRam


Lyrics with meaning:

Ramaamrit Pad Paawan Vaani, Ram-Naam Dhun Sudhaa Samaani.

Paawan-Paath Ram-Gun-Graam, Ram-Ram Jap Ram Hee Ram. . …1.

The Word–Shri Ram – is the holiest Name, Sweeter than nectar is singing of Name ;

Sacred the praises of Name, Shri Ram, Repeat Ram-Ram, the Name, Ram-Ram.

Param Satya Param Vigyaan, Jyoti-Swaroop Ram Bhagwaan.

Parmaanand, Sarvashaktimaan, Ram Param Hai Ram Mahaan. …2.

The Highest Truth, Deepest Insight, The Lord Shri-Ram is Brightest Light ;

Supreme Joy, Omni-potent, All, The Best of all, Greatest of all.

Amrit Vaani Naam Uchaaran, Ram-Ram Sukhsidhi-Kaaran.

Amritvaani Amrit Sri Naam, Ram-Ram Mud Mangal-Dhaam. …3.

Immortal Word is the Word Ram-Ram, The Spring of Peace, the Fount of Charm ;

The Eternal Breath, The Sweetest Psalm, Home of Blesings and Bliss, –Shri Ram.

Amritroop Ram-Gun Gaan, Amrit-Kathan Ram Vyaakhyaan.

Amrit-Vachan Ram Kee Charchaa, Sudhaa Sam Geet Ram Kee Archaa. ….4.

The songs sung in His praise are Sweet, For Him the voices raised are sweet,

The words are sweet said in devotion, Like nectar is Shri-Ram’s adoration.

Amrit Manan Ram Kaa Jaap, Ram-Ram Prabhu Ram Alaap.

Amrit Chintan Ram Kaa Dhyaan, Ram Shabd Men Shuchi Samaadhaan. …5.

Thinking, repeating name is sweet, To sing it in loud refrain is sweet ;

To sit in silence, in mind’s retreat, And listening there to Name is sweet.

Amrit Rasnaa Wahee Kahaave, Ram-Ram, Jahaan Naam Suhaave.

Amrit Karm Naam Kamaaee, Ram-Ram Param Sukhdaaee. ….6.

The tongue that tells the Name-Ram-Ram, Is most melodious, full of charm ;

Gather within the wealth of Name, Giver of highest joy is Name.

Amrit Ram-Naam Jo Hee Dhyaave, Amrit Pad So Hee Jan Paave.

Ram-Naam Amrit-Ras Saar, Detaa Param Aanand Apaar. ….7.

Whoever repeats the name so Sweet, His soul attains the Immortal Seat ;

Ram-Nam is sweetest World, behold !, Bestower of Highest Joy Un-told !

Ram-Ram Jap He Manaa, Amrit Vaani Maan.

Ram-Naam Men Ram Ko, Sadaa Viraajit Jaan. …8.

Repeat, my mind, Ram-Ram !, For that is Highest Name,

And seated is ever Shri-Ram, In Temple of this Name.
Ram-Naam Mud Mangalkaari, Vighna Hare Sab Paatak Haari.

Ram-Naam Shubh-Shakun Mahaan, Swasti Shaanti Shivkar Kalyaan. …9.

The Name Shri-Ram brings bliss within, Removes all ills and saves from sin ;

The Name Shri-Ram is most auspicious, Welcome, peaceful, good and gracious.

Ram-Ram Sri Ram-Vichaar, Maanie Uttam Manglaachaar.

Ram-Ram Man Mukh Se Gaanaa, Maano Madhur Manorath Paanaa. …10.

When comes Ram-Ram Shri-Ram in thought, “Tis sigh, some good will soon be wrought ;

Then sing Ram-Ram with heart and mind, You’ll sure achieve, what you wish to find.

Ram-Naam Jo Jan Man Laave, Us Men Shubh Sabhi Bas Jaave.

Jahaan Ho Ram-Naam Dhun-Naad, Bhaagen Wahaan Se Visham-Vishaad ….11.

Who seats Ram-Ram within his mind, To him comes blessings of all kind ;

The notes of name vibrates wherever, All woes and ills disappear therever.

Ram-Naam Man-Tapt Bujhaave, Sudhaa Ras Seench Shaanti Le Aave.

Ram-Ram Japie Kar Bhaav, Suvidhaa Suvidhi Bane Banaav. …12.

For restless mind Ram-Ram is balm, ‘Tis sweet as honey, brings peace and calm ;

Repeat Ram-Ram, with zeal repeat, With ease, in time, your needs He’ll meet.

Ram-Naam Simro Sadaa, Atishaya Mangal Mool.

Visham-Vikat Sankat Haran, Kaarak Sab Anukool. …13

Repeat the Name-Ram-Ram-Source of blessings un-told,

Slayer of ill and evil, Giver of help mani-fold.Japnaa Ram-Ram Hai Sukrit, Ram-Naam Hai Naashak Dushkrit.

Simre Ram-Ram Hee Jo Jan, Uskaa Ho Shuchitar Tan-Man. …14.

Repeat the Name-‘Tis best of acts, The Name-Ram-Ram-all ills corrects ;

Whoever repeats the Name Ram-Ram, His body and mind become pure and calm.

Jismen Ram-Naam Shubh Jaage, Us Ke Paap-Taap Sab Bhaage.

Man Se Ram-Naam Jo Uchaare, Us Ke Bhaagen Bhram Bhaya Saare. …15.

When blessed Name awakes within, The mind is purged of pride and sin ;

Whoever in joy chants name and sings, His doubts and fears at once take wings.

Jis Men Bas Jaaye Ram Sunaam, Hove Vah Jan Poornkaam.

Chit Men Ram-Ram Jo Simre, Nishchaya Bhav Saagar Se Tare. …16.

In whom the sacred name is neste, In him Shri-Ram is manifested ;

When Name Ram-Ram in mind appears, One swims ashore from sea of fears.

Ram-Simran Hove Sahaaee, Ram-Simran Hai Sukhdaaee.

Ram-Simran Sab Se Oonchaa, Ram Shakti Sukh Gyaan Samoochaa. …17.

Ram-Ram repeat, He helps, does heal, Giver of health and wealth and weal ;

Repeat Ram-Ram, highest of all, Giver of peace, wisdom and all.

Ram-Ram Hee Simar Man, Ram-Ram Sri Ram.

Ram-Ram Sri Ram-Bhaj, Ram-Ram Hari-Naam. …18.

rest lyrics are given at : .


Katha Sri Ram Doot Hanuman Ki | Lord Hanuman Songs | Hanuman Jayanti Celebration

Katha Sri Ram Doot Hanuman Ki is a beautiful compilation sung by Rakesh Kala. This compilation comprises of great songs that sing praises to Lord Hanuman and sings about His greatness and power. Listen to this beautiful compilation and let Lord Hanuman take away all you sorrow.

For the best bhajans, aartis and devotional songs,


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Aarti – Mahalaxmi – Om Jai Laxmi Mata [Full Song] Shri Devkinandan Thakur Ji Maharaj

Om Jai Laxmi Mata, Maiya Jailaxmi Mata,
Tumko Nis Din Sevat, Hari, Vishnu Data
Om Jai Laxmi Mata

Uma Rama Brahmaani, Tum Ho Jag Mata,
Maiya, Tum Ho Jag Mata,
Surya Chanrama Dhyaavat, Naarad Rishi Gaata.
Om Jai Laxmi Mata.

Durga Roop Niranjani, Sukh Sampati Data,
Maiya Sukh Sampati Data
Jo Koyee Tumko Dhyaataa, Ridhee Sidhee Dhan Paataa
Om Jai Laxmi Mata.

Jis Ghar Mein Tu Rehtee, Sab Sukh Guna Aataa,
Maiya Sab Sukh Guna Aataa,
Taap Paap Mit Jaataa, Man Naheen Ghabraataa.
Om Jai Laxmi Mata

Dhoop Deep Phal Meva, Ma Sweekaar Karo,
Maiya Ma Sweekaar Karo,
Gyaan Prakaash Karo Ma, Moha Agyaan Haro.
Om Jai Laxmi Mata.

Maha Laxmiji Ki Aarti, Nis Din Jo Gaavey
Maiya Nis Din Jo Gaavey,
Dukh Jaavey, Sukh Aavey, Ati Aananda Paavey.
Om Jai Laxmi Mata.

*****RadheRadhe *****

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⇒Album :Aarti Sangrah

⇒Singer Name: Shri Devkinandan Thakur JiMaharaj

⇒Copyright: DevkinandanJiMaharaj

⇒Vendor : A2Z Music Media

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Anuradha Paudwal Bhakti Songs In Bengali | Charantale – Puja Songs | Diwali Special

Anuradha Paudwal Bhakti Songs In Bengali | Charantale – Puja Songs | Diwali Special

“Charantale Puja Songs is a compilation of Bengali devotional songs sung by legendary singer Anuradha Paudwal. Listen to this amazing compilation and have a great time.

0:00:01 – Ami Niyam Mene
0:05:18 – Anjalite Habo Na Aar
0:10:09 – Antare Antare
0:15:39 – Charantale
0:20:40 – Ei Ghorete Joler Bati
0:26:01 – Je Pathore Eto Pran
0:29:34 – Kon Tulir Taane
0:34:56 – Ma Tor Pujar Kato
0:38:47 – Toree Name Din Je Kate

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Watch the Hindi Sai Mantra – Popular Devotional Song devotional music video of Sai Baba. Om Sai Namo Namaha Shree Sai Namo Namaha from the album Sai Mantra Om Shri Sainathaya Namaha – Shirdi Sai Baba Mandir Mantra
For India Most Popular Singer: Suresh Wadkar

Music Director: Suraj Mahanand
Producer: Lakhi Sundrani
Presents By: Sundrani Video World
Director: Mohan Sundrani
Music Label: Sundrani Music
Production: Sundrani Video World
Sound Recordist: Neeraj Verma
Audio MP3 & Jukebox Format Converter: Neeraj Verma Raipur Chhattisgarh
VCD,DVD & Jukebox Format Converter: Radhe (Rupesh) Nirwan
Movie Copyright: Sundrani Video World Raipur Chhattisgarh
Singer Male: Suresh Wadkar
Singer Female:
Language: Hindi
Genre : Devotional

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Aarti – “Om Jai Jagdish Hare”

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सीताराम, सीताराम, सीतारामा, सीताराम :

श्रीकृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी हे नाथ नारायण वासुदेवा :

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निरास में आस प्रभु मेरा

This Devotional prayer of Hindus called “Aarti – Om Jai Jagdish Hare” is the most sung Hindus prayer to the God.


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⦿ Top 10 Hanuman Bhjaans – Hanuman Chalisa :

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Top 10 Morning Bhajans | Super Hit Hindi Devotional Songs Cover | Hindi Bhajan Peaceful Early Morning Chants
Listen to and chant these peaceful early morning chants and enter into the world of divine peace and spirituality.

Song Details:

1) Itni Shakti Hume Dena Daata :- 00:01
2) Tu Pyar Ka Sagar Hai :- 04:31
3) Sancha Naam Tera :- 09:01
4) Tu Aasha Vishvas Hamare :- 13:41
5) Ishwar Satya Hai Satya Hi Shiv Hai :- 19:20
6) Hum Ko Man Ki Shakti Dena :- 25:43
7) Aaie Malik Tere Bande Hum :- 30:21
8) Allah Teru Naam :- 33:32
9) Jaise Suraj Gharmi Se :- 37:05
10) Jyot Se Jyot :- 42:20

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