
Shiva Tandava Stotram

Shiva Tandava Stotram (शिवताण्डवस्तोत्रम्) is a hymn of praise in the Hindu tradition that describes Shiva’s power and beauty.Both the fourth and fifth quatrains of this hymn conclude with lists of Shiva’s epithets as destroyer, even the destroyer of death itself.
Happy Shivratri..!!! 🙂

Song Courtesy: Uma Mohan Ji & Times Music

Download Mp3 Version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ar0t9lx1tnnfpft/Shiva%20Tandava%20Stotram.mp3?dl=0

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Pardhi’s kul daivat pooja vidhi (part3)

Ganpat Pardhi (head of the Pardhi bhavki at dhamandevi)

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There are following proper steps to perform puja

.1.Dhyanam (Prayer or chant the beej mantra)

To Perform Ganesh Puja, Dhyanam is the first and foremost step. Dhyanam is the Prayer or the Meditation process in which we should chant Ganesh Mantra.

||Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah||

2.Avahana (Invocation)

The Second step to do Ganesh Pooja is to worship the God to come into the place of Idol.This is Known as Avahana or Invocation. At the time of Invocation we should recite Ganesh Avhana Mantra.

Chant this invocation (Avahan) mantra:

गणानां तवा गणपतिं हवामहे कविं कवीनामुपमश्रवस्तमम |
जयेष्ठराजं बरह्मणां बरह्मणस पत आ नः षर्ण्वन्नूतिभिः सीद सादनम ||

नि षु सीद गणपते गणेषु तवामाहुर्विप्रतमंकवीनाम |
न रते तवत करियते किं चनारे महामर्कंमघवञ्चित्रमर्च ||

3. Aasana (Offering Seating)

The Third Step is to offer Seat to God. As, whenever any guest come to our House we offer them Aasana or a well cleaned place or ant cloth, in the same way offer a New, clean, decorated Red cloth to Lord Ganesh to be seated.

4. Paadya (Washing of feet)

The fourth step is to wash the feet of God Ganesha gently by pouring Water as he gets sitted.

5.Arghya (Washing of hands)

Arghya is the fifth step when the God Ganesha is sitted and his feets are washed then we offer Water to wash his Hands.

6. Aachamana (Offering Drinking Water)

Then we Offer drinking water to God Ganesha in his Mouth that is known as Aachamana.

7. Snana (Bathing with Water or panchamruthas)

Wash God Ganesha idol with Panchamruth i.e. Milk, Yoghurt, Ghee, Honey, Sugar, Sandal Powder as offering Bath and then Sprinkle water.While offering Panchamruth recite this Mantra

‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Payah Snanam Samarpayami ‘ when offering milk.
‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Dadhi Snanam Samarpayami‘ when offering curd.
‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Ghrut Snanam Samarpayami‘ when offering ghee.
‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Madhu Snanam Samarpayami’ when offering honey.
‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Madhu Snanam Samarpayami’ when offering Sugar.
‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Madhu Snanam Samarpayami’ when offering Sandal Powder.

8.Vastra (Offering New Clothes)

Offer New Clothes to Lord Ganesha which contains yellow Cloth.

9. Yajnopavita (Sacred thread)

Offer Sacred Thread (Janeu)with Flowers and Akshathas with Sindur, Chandan, Loung, Mewa, Nariyal.

Offer Durva grass chanting, ‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Durvan Kuran Samarpayami’.

10.Gandha (Sandal Paste)

Now put Chandan Paste to the forehead of God Ganesha.

Offer perfume and chant ‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Itram Samarpayami’.

11.Archana (Offering Flowers)

Now Offer Flowers to God Ganesha by reciting his 108 names and offer one flower of each name.

12.Dhoopam (Incense)

After offering Flowers, now enlight Insence Stick to spread its fragrance.

13. Deepam (Oil Lamp)

Enlight Oil Lamp to Lord Ganesha which symbolize bringing of Light into Life.

14. Naivedyam (Offering Specially prepared food)

Offer Sweets, Fruits to God Ganesha which is known as Naivedyam. So, it is good to offer Modak/Ladoo to lord Ganesha. Lord Ganesha loves Ladoo and Modak so it is best to offer them in Naivedya.

15.Tamboolam (Offering Betel Leafs and Betel Nuts)

Now offer Betel leaves and betel nuts to Lord Ganesha.

16. Aarti
Ganga Aarti Hindi Lyrics:

Jai ganesh jai ganesh
Jai ganesg deva
Mata jaki parwati
Pita maha deva

Jai ganesh jai ganesh
Jai ganesg deva
Mata jaki parwati
Pita maha deva

Ek dant daya want
Char bhuuja dhari

Ek dant daya want
Char bhuuja dhari

Mathe sindor shoye
Muse ki sawari
Pan chadhe Phool Chadhe
Aur Chadhe Mewa
Laduan ko bhog lage
Sant kare seva


Pardhi’s kul daivat pooja vidhi (part2)

Ganpat Pardhi (head of the Pardhi bhavki at dhamandevi)

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my you tube channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3VpdcG76EC0R_IaSGp2H0g

Ganpat Pardhi (head of the Pardhi bhavki at dhamandevi)

visite my website – .
my blog – https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=6042589170671625559#allposts/postNum=3

my facebook fan page – https://www.facebook.com/pritam18041990/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel

my you tube channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3VpdcG76EC0R_IaSGp2H0g

There are following proper steps to perform puja

.1.Dhyanam (Prayer or chant the beej mantra)

To Perform Ganesh Puja, Dhyanam is the first and foremost step. Dhyanam is the Prayer or the Meditation process in which we should chant Ganesh Mantra.

||Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah||

2.Avahana (Invocation)

The Second step to do Ganesh Pooja is to worship the God to come into the place of Idol.This is Known as Avahana or Invocation. At the time of Invocation we should recite Ganesh Avhana Mantra.

Chant this invocation (Avahan) mantra:

गणानां तवा गणपतिं हवामहे कविं कवीनामुपमश्रवस्तमम |
जयेष्ठराजं बरह्मणां बरह्मणस पत आ नः षर्ण्वन्नूतिभिः सीद सादनम ||

नि षु सीद गणपते गणेषु तवामाहुर्विप्रतमंकवीनाम |
न रते तवत करियते किं चनारे महामर्कंमघवञ्चित्रमर्च ||

3. Aasana (Offering Seating)

The Third Step is to offer Seat to God. As, whenever any guest come to our House we offer them Aasana or a well cleaned place or ant cloth, in the same way offer a New, clean, decorated Red cloth to Lord Ganesh to be seated.

4. Paadya (Washing of feet)

The fourth step is to wash the feet of God Ganesha gently by pouring Water as he gets sitted.

5.Arghya (Washing of hands)

Arghya is the fifth step when the God Ganesha is sitted and his feets are washed then we offer Water to wash his Hands.

6. Aachamana (Offering Drinking Water)

Then we Offer drinking water to God Ganesha in his Mouth that is known as Aachamana.

7. Snana (Bathing with Water or panchamruthas)

Wash God Ganesha idol with Panchamruth i.e. Milk, Yoghurt, Ghee, Honey, Sugar, Sandal Powder as offering Bath and then Sprinkle water.While offering Panchamruth recite this Mantra

‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Payah Snanam Samarpayami ‘ when offering milk.
‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Dadhi Snanam Samarpayami‘ when offering curd.
‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Ghrut Snanam Samarpayami‘ when offering ghee.
‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Madhu Snanam Samarpayami’ when offering honey.
‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Madhu Snanam Samarpayami’ when offering Sugar.
‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Madhu Snanam Samarpayami’ when offering Sandal Powder.

8.Vastra (Offering New Clothes)

Offer New Clothes to Lord Ganesha which contains yellow Cloth.

9. Yajnopavita (Sacred thread)

Offer Sacred Thread (Janeu)with Flowers and Akshathas with Sindur, Chandan, Loung, Mewa, Nariyal.

Offer Durva grass chanting, ‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Durvan Kuran Samarpayami’.

10.Gandha (Sandal Paste)

Now put Chandan Paste to the forehead of God Ganesha.

Offer perfume and chant ‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Itram Samarpayami’.

11.Archana (Offering Flowers)

Now Offer Flowers to God Ganesha by reciting his 108 names and offer one flower of each name.

12.Dhoopam (Incense)

After offering Flowers, now enlight Insence Stick to spread its fragrance.

13. Deepam (Oil Lamp)

Enlight Oil Lamp to Lord Ganesha which symbolize bringing of Light into Life.

14. Naivedyam (Offering Specially prepared food)

Offer Sweets, Fruits to God Ganesha which is known as Naivedyam. So, it is good to offer Modak/Ladoo to lord Ganesha. Lord Ganesha loves Ladoo and Modak so it is best to offer them in Naivedya.

15.Tamboolam (Offering Betel Leafs and Betel Nuts)

Now offer Betel leaves and betel nuts to Lord Ganesha.

16. Aarti
Ganga Aarti Hindi Lyrics:

Jai ganesh jai ganesh
Jai ganesg deva
Mata jaki parwati
Pita maha deva

Jai ganesh jai ganesh
Jai ganesg deva
Mata jaki parwati
Pita maha deva

Ek dant daya want
Char bhuuja dhari

Ek dant daya want
Char bhuuja dhari

Mathe sindor shoye
Muse ki sawari
Pan chadhe Phool Chadhe
Aur Chadhe Mewa
Laduan ko bhog lage
Sant kare seva


Manoj Tiwari Mridul Bhojpuri Devi Geet Top 10 I Full Audio Songs Juke Box

Click on duration to play any song

01 Kavne Yogyata Pe Khush Hokhelu 00:00
02 Baadi Sher Par Sawaar 09:39
03 Ae Maalin Navtaatar Aayil 16:54
04 Ae Devi Maiya 22:51
05 Kehwa Lagvalu Ektani Der 31:20
06 Maiya Ke Mukhda Nihal Kayile Ba 39:24
07 Mamtamayi Darbaar 47:26
08 Durga Maayi Ke Tab Avtar Ho Gail 53:59
09 Sheetli Maiya Adalpur Mein Ho 59:55
10 Ae Hirna Samujhi Samujhi Van Charna 01:06:03
Music Label:T-Series

Kavne Yogyata Pe Khush Hokhelu
Music Director: Dhananjay Mishra
Lyricist: Pramod Pandey

Baadi Sher Par Sawaar
Music Director: Vijay Kapoor
Lyricist: Manoj Tiwari Mridul

Ae Maalin Navtaatar Aayil
Music Director: Dhananjay Mishra
Lyricist: Manoj Tiwari Mridul

Ae Devi Maiya
Music Director: Dhananjay Mishra
Lyricist: Kapil Muni Pankaj

Kehwa Lagvalu Ektani Der
Music Director: Dhananjay Mishra
Lyricist: Manoj -Prabhu Nath, Maya Shrivastava, Deep

Mohamadabadi, Ashok Sheopuri
Maiya Ke Mukhda Nihal Kayile Ba
Music Director: Dhananjay Mishra
Lyricist: Manoj-Prabhunath

Mamtamayi Darbaar
Music Director: Dhananjay Mishra
Lyricist: Manoj -Prabhu Nath, Maya Shrivastava, Deep Mohamadabadi, Ashok Sheopuri

Durga Maayi Ke Tab Avtar Ho Gail
Singers: Manoj Tiwari Mridul, Rekha Rao
Music Director: Dhananjay Mishra
Lyricist: Vinay Bihari

Sheetli Maiya Adalpur Mein Ho
Music Director: Dhananjay Mishra
Lyricist: Pramod Pandey, Prabhunath Rai ‘Dadhi’, Sanjay Singhpuri

Ae Hirna Samujhi Samujhi Van Charna
Music Director: Dhananjay Mishra
Lyricist: Vipin Bahar

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#Amazing Siddhivinayak Aarti from Siddhiviniyak Temple Mumbai I Deva Shri Ganesha #HD #2017

#Documentary #RC #Agriculture #2017 Subscribe our channel for more updates: Siddhivinayak Aarti from Siddhiviniyak Temple Mumbai Album: Deva Shri .

Please visit for full video and more free videos. You will find full description on the web site.

Sri Ganesh Temple, Secunderabad. For more news subscribe to Aajtak:

Shri Ganesh Mandir – Hyderabad (Begum Bazaar) – | Indian Temple Tours | Divine india Begum Bazar is the place where the first Ganesh Mandap was establish .


jayalalitha death news சடலத்தில் ஏராள மர்மம்

क्या होगा जयललिता का एक बड़ा धन है,என்ன நடக்கும் ஜெயலலிதா ஒரு பெரிய செல்வம் జయలలిత వీలునామా அவள் ಅವರು ತಿನ್ನುವೆ അവൾ ഉദ്ദേശിക്കുന്ന జయలలిత భారీ ఆస్తులు

Please watch: “Top Ganesh Bhajans & Ganesh Aarti & Ganesh mantra”



Pardhi’s kul daivat pooja vidhi (part1)

Ganpat Pardhi (head of the Pardhi Bhavki at dhamandevi)

visite my website – .
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my you tube channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3VpdcG76EC0R_IaSGp2H0g

Ganpat Pardhi (head of the Pardhi bhavki at dhamandevi)

visite my website – .
my blog – https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=6042589170671625559#allposts/postNum=3

my facebook fan page – https://www.facebook.com/pritam18041990/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel

my you tube channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3VpdcG76EC0R_IaSGp2H0g

There are following proper steps to perform puja

.1.Dhyanam (Prayer or chant the beej mantra)

To Perform Ganesh Puja, Dhyanam is the first and foremost step. Dhyanam is the Prayer or the Meditation process in which we should chant Ganesh Mantra.

||Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah||

2.Avahana (Invocation)

The Second step to do Ganesh Pooja is to worship the God to come into the place of Idol.This is Known as Avahana or Invocation. At the time of Invocation we should recite Ganesh Avhana Mantra.

Chant this invocation (Avahan) mantra:

गणानां तवा गणपतिं हवामहे कविं कवीनामुपमश्रवस्तमम |
जयेष्ठराजं बरह्मणां बरह्मणस पत आ नः षर्ण्वन्नूतिभिः सीद सादनम ||

नि षु सीद गणपते गणेषु तवामाहुर्विप्रतमंकवीनाम |
न रते तवत करियते किं चनारे महामर्कंमघवञ्चित्रमर्च ||

3. Aasana (Offering Seating)

The Third Step is to offer Seat to God. As, whenever any guest come to our House we offer them Aasana or a well cleaned place or ant cloth, in the same way offer a New, clean, decorated Red cloth to Lord Ganesh to be seated.

4. Paadya (Washing of feet)

The fourth step is to wash the feet of God Ganesha gently by pouring Water as he gets sitted.

5.Arghya (Washing of hands)

Arghya is the fifth step when the God Ganesha is sitted and his feets are washed then we offer Water to wash his Hands.

6. Aachamana (Offering Drinking Water)

Then we Offer drinking water to God Ganesha in his Mouth that is known as Aachamana.

7. Snana (Bathing with Water or panchamruthas)

Wash God Ganesha idol with Panchamruth i.e. Milk, Yoghurt, Ghee, Honey, Sugar, Sandal Powder as offering Bath and then Sprinkle water.While offering Panchamruth recite this Mantra

‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Payah Snanam Samarpayami ‘ when offering milk.
‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Dadhi Snanam Samarpayami‘ when offering curd.
‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Ghrut Snanam Samarpayami‘ when offering ghee.
‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Madhu Snanam Samarpayami’ when offering honey.
‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Madhu Snanam Samarpayami’ when offering Sugar.
‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Madhu Snanam Samarpayami’ when offering Sandal Powder.

8.Vastra (Offering New Clothes)

Offer New Clothes to Lord Ganesha which contains yellow Cloth.

9. Yajnopavita (Sacred thread)

Offer Sacred Thread (Janeu)with Flowers and Akshathas with Sindur, Chandan, Loung, Mewa, Nariyal.

Offer Durva grass chanting, ‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Durvan Kuran Samarpayami’.

10.Gandha (Sandal Paste)

Now put Chandan Paste to the forehead of God Ganesha.

Offer perfume and chant ‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Itram Samarpayami’.

11.Archana (Offering Flowers)

Now Offer Flowers to God Ganesha by reciting his 108 names and offer one flower of each name.

12.Dhoopam (Incense)

After offering Flowers, now enlight Insence Stick to spread its fragrance.

13. Deepam (Oil Lamp)

Enlight Oil Lamp to Lord Ganesha which symbolize bringing of Light into Life.

14. Naivedyam (Offering Specially prepared food)

Offer Sweets, Fruits to God Ganesha which is known as Naivedyam. So, it is good to offer Modak/Ladoo to lord Ganesha. Lord Ganesha loves Ladoo and Modak so it is best to offer them in Naivedya.

15.Tamboolam (Offering Betel Leafs and Betel Nuts)

Now offer Betel leaves and betel nuts to Lord Ganesha.

16. Aarti
Ganga Aarti Hindi Lyrics:

Jai ganesh jai ganesh
Jai ganesg deva
Mata jaki parwati
Pita maha deva

Jai ganesh jai ganesh
Jai ganesg deva
Mata jaki parwati
Pita maha deva

Ek dant daya want
Char bhuuja dhari

Ek dant daya want
Char bhuuja dhari

Mathe sindor shoye
Muse ki sawari
Pan chadhe Phool Chadhe
Aur Chadhe Mewa
Laduan ko bhog lage
Sant kare seva


gauri poojan divas

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my you tube channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3VpdcG76EC0R_IaSGp2H0g

Ganpat Pardhi (head of the Pardhi bhavki at dhamandevi)

visite my website – .
my blog – https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=6042589170671625559#allposts/postNum=3

my facebook fan page – https://www.facebook.com/pritam18041990/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel

my you tube channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3VpdcG76EC0R_IaSGp2H0g

There are following proper steps to perform puja

.1.Dhyanam (Prayer or chant the beej mantra)

To Perform Ganesh Puja, Dhyanam is the first and foremost step. Dhyanam is the Prayer or the Meditation process in which we should chant Ganesh Mantra.

||Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah||

2.Avahana (Invocation)

The Second step to do Ganesh Pooja is to worship the God to come into the place of Idol.This is Known as Avahana or Invocation. At the time of Invocation we should recite Ganesh Avhana Mantra.

Chant this invocation (Avahan) mantra:

गणानां तवा गणपतिं हवामहे कविं कवीनामुपमश्रवस्तमम |
जयेष्ठराजं बरह्मणां बरह्मणस पत आ नः षर्ण्वन्नूतिभिः सीद सादनम ||

नि षु सीद गणपते गणेषु तवामाहुर्विप्रतमंकवीनाम |
न रते तवत करियते किं चनारे महामर्कंमघवञ्चित्रमर्च ||

3. Aasana (Offering Seating)

The Third Step is to offer Seat to God. As, whenever any guest come to our House we offer them Aasana or a well cleaned place or ant cloth, in the same way offer a New, clean, decorated Red cloth to Lord Ganesh to be seated.

4. Paadya (Washing of feet)

The fourth step is to wash the feet of God Ganesha gently by pouring Water as he gets sitted.

5.Arghya (Washing of hands)

Arghya is the fifth step when the God Ganesha is sitted and his feets are washed then we offer Water to wash his Hands.

6. Aachamana (Offering Drinking Water)

Then we Offer drinking water to God Ganesha in his Mouth that is known as Aachamana.

7. Snana (Bathing with Water or panchamruthas)

Wash God Ganesha idol with Panchamruth i.e. Milk, Yoghurt, Ghee, Honey, Sugar, Sandal Powder as offering Bath and then Sprinkle water.While offering Panchamruth recite this Mantra

‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Payah Snanam Samarpayami ‘ when offering milk.
‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Dadhi Snanam Samarpayami‘ when offering curd.
‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Ghrut Snanam Samarpayami‘ when offering ghee.
‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Madhu Snanam Samarpayami’ when offering honey.
‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Madhu Snanam Samarpayami’ when offering Sugar.
‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Madhu Snanam Samarpayami’ when offering Sandal Powder.

8.Vastra (Offering New Clothes)

Offer New Clothes to Lord Ganesha which contains yellow Cloth.

9. Yajnopavita (Sacred thread)

Offer Sacred Thread (Janeu)with Flowers and Akshathas with Sindur, Chandan, Loung, Mewa, Nariyal.

Offer Durva grass chanting, ‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Durvan Kuran Samarpayami’.

10.Gandha (Sandal Paste)

Now put Chandan Paste to the forehead of God Ganesha.

Offer perfume and chant ‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Itram Samarpayami’.

11.Archana (Offering Flowers)

Now Offer Flowers to God Ganesha by reciting his 108 names and offer one flower of each name.

12.Dhoopam (Incense)

After offering Flowers, now enlight Insence Stick to spread its fragrance.

13. Deepam (Oil Lamp)

Enlight Oil Lamp to Lord Ganesha which symbolize bringing of Light into Life.

14. Naivedyam (Offering Specially prepared food)

Offer Sweets, Fruits to God Ganesha which is known as Naivedyam. So, it is good to offer Modak/Ladoo to lord Ganesha. Lord Ganesha loves Ladoo and Modak so it is best to offer them in Naivedya.

15.Tamboolam (Offering Betel Leafs and Betel Nuts)

Now offer Betel leaves and betel nuts to Lord Ganesha.

16. Aarti
Ganga Aarti Hindi Lyrics:

Jai ganesh jai ganesh
Jai ganesg deva
Mata jaki parwati
Pita maha deva

Jai ganesh jai ganesh
Jai ganesg deva
Mata jaki parwati
Pita maha deva

Ek dant daya want
Char bhuuja dhari

Ek dant daya want
Char bhuuja dhari

Mathe sindor shoye
Muse ki sawari
Pan chadhe Phool Chadhe
Aur Chadhe Mewa
Laduan ko bhog lage
Sant kare seva


Anand Ke Hain Data Gajanan || Supar Hit Ganesh Bhajan Video || Ranjeet Mishra

Album- Maa Ke Anchal Me (माँ के आँचल में)
Singer- Ranjeet Mishra
Writer – Ranjeet Mishra
Music – Uttam Singh
Director/Producer- Prabhalesh Mishra
Company- Arti Films 09268797250 ►Note :All Rights Reserved By : Arti Films
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►►For Hit Songs Follow Here :
►1-Singer : Saurabh Mishra || Chumma De Da Dahina Gaal Me || Album – Jawani Diwani
►5-Singer- Kshama Pandey || Karwaida Tanika Bhola Ji Se Baat || Album- Om Namh Shivay “ॐ नमः शिवाय”
►6-Singer- Satish Tiwari “Mridul” & Kshama Pandey || Pahila Suhage Wali Ratiya || Album- Parda Faar Ho Jai Ho

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Ganpat Pardhi (head of the Pardhi bhavki at dhamandevi)

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There are following proper steps to perform puja

.1.Dhyanam (Prayer or chant the beej mantra)

To Perform Ganesh Puja, Dhyanam is the first and foremost step. Dhyanam is the Prayer or the Meditation process in which we should chant Ganesh Mantra.

||Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah||

2.Avahana (Invocation)

The Second step to do Ganesh Pooja is to worship the God to come into the place of Idol.This is Known as Avahana or Invocation. At the time of Invocation we should recite Ganesh Avhana Mantra.

Chant this invocation (Avahan) mantra:

गणानां तवा गणपतिं हवामहे कविं कवीनामुपमश्रवस्तमम |
जयेष्ठराजं बरह्मणां बरह्मणस पत आ नः षर्ण्वन्नूतिभिः सीद सादनम ||

नि षु सीद गणपते गणेषु तवामाहुर्विप्रतमंकवीनाम |
न रते तवत करियते किं चनारे महामर्कंमघवञ्चित्रमर्च ||

3. Aasana (Offering Seating)

The Third Step is to offer Seat to God. As, whenever any guest come to our House we offer them Aasana or a well cleaned place or ant cloth, in the same way offer a New, clean, decorated Red cloth to Lord Ganesh to be seated.

4. Paadya (Washing of feet)

The fourth step is to wash the feet of God Ganesha gently by pouring Water as he gets sitted.

5.Arghya (Washing of hands)

Arghya is the fifth step when the God Ganesha is sitted and his feets are washed then we offer Water to wash his Hands.

6. Aachamana (Offering Drinking Water)

Then we Offer drinking water to God Ganesha in his Mouth that is known as Aachamana.

7. Snana (Bathing with Water or panchamruthas)

Wash God Ganesha idol with Panchamruth i.e. Milk, Yoghurt, Ghee, Honey, Sugar, Sandal Powder as offering Bath and then Sprinkle water.While offering Panchamruth recite this Mantra

‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Payah Snanam Samarpayami ‘ when offering milk.
‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Dadhi Snanam Samarpayami‘ when offering curd.
‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Ghrut Snanam Samarpayami‘ when offering ghee.
‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Madhu Snanam Samarpayami’ when offering honey.
‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Madhu Snanam Samarpayami’ when offering Sugar.
‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Madhu Snanam Samarpayami’ when offering Sandal Powder.

8.Vastra (Offering New Clothes)

Offer New Clothes to Lord Ganesha which contains yellow Cloth.

9. Yajnopavita (Sacred thread)

Offer Sacred Thread (Janeu)with Flowers and Akshathas with Sindur, Chandan, Loung, Mewa, Nariyal.

Offer Durva grass chanting, ‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Durvan Kuran Samarpayami’.

10.Gandha (Sandal Paste)

Now put Chandan Paste to the forehead of God Ganesha.

Offer perfume and chant ‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Itram Samarpayami’.

11.Archana (Offering Flowers)

Now Offer Flowers to God Ganesha by reciting his 108 names and offer one flower of each name.

12.Dhoopam (Incense)

After offering Flowers, now enlight Insence Stick to spread its fragrance.

13. Deepam (Oil Lamp)

Enlight Oil Lamp to Lord Ganesha which symbolize bringing of Light into Life.

14. Naivedyam (Offering Specially prepared food)

Offer Sweets, Fruits to God Ganesha which is known as Naivedyam. So, it is good to offer Modak/Ladoo to lord Ganesha. Lord Ganesha loves Ladoo and Modak so it is best to offer them in Naivedya.

15.Tamboolam (Offering Betel Leafs and Betel Nuts)

Now offer Betel leaves and betel nuts to Lord Ganesha.

16. Aarti
Ganga Aarti Hindi Lyrics:

Jai ganesh jai ganesh
Jai ganesg deva
Mata jaki parwati
Pita maha deva

Jai ganesh jai ganesh
Jai ganesg deva
Mata jaki parwati
Pita maha deva

Ek dant daya want
Char bhuuja dhari

Ek dant daya want
Char bhuuja dhari

Mathe sindor shoye
Muse ki sawari
Pan chadhe Phool Chadhe
Aur Chadhe Mewa
Laduan ko bhog lage
Sant kare seva